Here is the copy of invitation of International Creativity Ceremony 2 0rganized by GBLO and hosted by Bhutanese Community of Nebraska, USA.
International Creativity Celebration-II
Dear All,
On the historic event “International Creativity Celebration – II”, organized by Global Bhutanese Literary Organization (GBLO) and Bhutanese Community in Nebraska (BCN) , we would like to invite you as a special guest/participant of the event . It’s an event that is designed mainly for 2 days (11/28/2014 & 11/29/2014) with a vision to promote our literature, art, leadership, philosophy, and other valuable assets of our community.
Program Details:
1. November 27, 2014, organizing committee will welcome writers & other participants in Airport/Bus Stations/Informed Location.
2. November 28, 2014: Education, Literary, Philosophy, Journal, Art and leadership Seasons.
3. November 29, 2014: Grand International Creativity Ceremony & Literary Night.
4. November 30, 2014: Farewell of participants.
Program venues:
For 11/28/2014: 6001 Dodge St, Omaha, NE 68182. Community Hall (2nd Floor), University of Nebraska Omaha (UNO)
For 11/29/2014: 5120 Maple St, Omaha, NE 68104. Program Hall (1st Floor), Benson High School
Event Contact Personnel: 1.Karna Gurung: 402 452 8804. 2. Bhim Gurung: 402 706 6282. 3. DB Tamang: 402 507 1524. 4. Puska Gurung: 325 201 4809 5. Krishna Subba: 402 609 0541
For flight arrival confirmation pleases email: . Our volunteer will be at airport to receive you. You can also call in above number if you have any question or need help.
For 11/27/2014 Guest arrival address: 3860 Franklin Street, Omaha, NE 68111.
“You Are Invited”
Thank You
Organizing Committee
International Creativity Ceremony – II
Invitation Message from the President of Global Bhutanese Literature Organization (GBLO):
मनोरञ्जन, रमझम र चर्चा त छँदैछ, त्यो भन्दा अलिक माथी पहिचान र अस्तित्वको लागि हो यो कार्यक्रम । संसारको यो विविधता भित्र हाम्रो पनि सम्मानजनक उपस्थिति छ भन्ने सन्देशको लागि हो यो कार्यक्रम । भोलीको हाम्रा सन्ततीले यो नभनोस् की हाम्रा पुर्खाले कला साहित्य र संस्कृतिको लागि जुटेर होईन फुटेर बसेछन्, काम भन्दा धेरै गफ गरेछन् । त्यसैको लागि एकताको आह्वान हो यो कार्यक्रम ।
ब्यस्तता, दुःख, अभाव, गुनासाहरू त जीवन पाटोको सौन्दर्य हो, यसलाई स्वीकारेर आउनुहोस् हातेमालो गरौँ – तपाई हाम्रो पहिचानसहित सिङ्गो मानव हैसियत निर्माणको एक निर्णायक आन्दोलन हो यो कार्यक्रम । अाजको यो सानो त्याग, मेहनत, लगानिको मूल्य फैलिएर संसार भरि नेपालित्वमा पाउने छौ ।
पुनः सबैलाई निमन्त्रणा । – डेन्जोम
(note: भौगोलिकरूपमा ठाडा तर मनबाट नजिक हुनुहुने कति मित्र, आफन्तजन, शुभचिन्तक…को लागि हाम्रो निम्तोलाई मूर्तरुप दिन असम्भव भए पनि कार्यक्रमको लागि शुभकामना रहनेछ भन्ने कुरामा हामीलाई विश्वास छ ।)