Dallas Texas Won the Championship of 2nd BNCA Tournament


The NLFC team of Dallas Texas won the Championship title of the 2nd BNCA Interstate Soccer Tournament for the year 2016 by defeating the Atlanta Georgia team with 1- 0 in the final. The grand 2nd BNCA annual sport event was organized by the Bhutanese Nepali Churches in America (BNCA), and hosted by the NLFC (New Life Family Church (NLFC) in Dallas Texas on August 5 – 6, 2016. According to the Sports Coordinator of the BNCA, Nanda Sunuwar, the tournament was hosted in order to promote unity connecting mingled relationship among youths and churches, and exchange good thoughts and prayers on each other sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ to all communities around.

Newly elected Sports Coordinator of BNCA, Demas Kharel reported, “It was organized to give positive influence and encouragement to the Bhutanese Nepali Christian youths to play in one mind, one body and one spirit in the name of lord, and whatever we do is all to glorify the name of our lord Jesus Christ whom we believe”. The tournament organized with an objective to develop good relationship among Bhutanese American churches in the USA, was sponsored by late Manju Rai’s family, Pastor Bhadra Rai, Pastor Lorance Samal, and New Life family’s church Members.

Soccer and volleyball games were played simultaneously during the 2nd BNCA sports tournament, in which ten soccer teams has participated representing from different states. The participating teams includes the teams from Emmanuel internal church of Atlanta Georgia, from Nashville Tennessee, Missouri, Houston, Austin, Abilene, Fort Worth, two teams from New Life Family Church, and one team from California, Florida, and NY combined.

The Championship winner trophy with $2500 cash prize and individual players’ trophies were awarded to the Champion team of the tournament. Similarly, the second position team was awarded with First Runner Up trophy with $1500 and individual trophies, and the third position team was awarded trophy of 3rd position with $500 cash and medals to individual players. The host has awarded participation trophy to each team for taking part in the tournament. In each match of the tournament the “Man of the Match” was selected and awarded with trophies.

The trophy of the Highest scorer was awarded to Sudeep Tamang, and the Best Goalkeeper was awarded to Mon Mogar. The trophy of the “Man of the Match” of the tournament was awarded to Kiran Magar from Atlanta, Georgia.

2nd BNCA Tournament

2nd BNCA Tournament

A.K. Rana Sampang, General Secretary of the Bhutanese American Sports Council (BASC) attended the tournament as the special guest. Jitu Basnet, a certified referee from the BASC served as the main Referee in the BNCA soccer tournament, whereas Bhadra Rai, BNCA president and Treasurer of the BASC served as the main Referee in the BNCA Volleyball tournament. Bikash Magar (Fort Worth), Pastor Martin (Houston), and Laxu Lagun (Fort Worth) were linesmen and referee assistants of the tournament.

There was presence of all the Bhutanese Nepali pastors from Dallas, leaders from BNCA, and other special guests including community people who enjoyed the tournament disregarding the high temperature of that hot summer weekend.

The following leaders of Bhutanese Nepali Churches in America had participated in the 2nd BNCA sports event: Pastor Bhadra Rai (Houston), Pastor Silas Mogar (Georgia), Pastor Tek rai (Tennessee), Pastor Amber Ghalley (Dallas), Pastor Raju lama (Fort Worth), Pastor Royal Rai (Dallas), Pastor Dan Acharya (Dallas), Pastor Karan Rai (Austin), Pastor Robin Gurung (Abilene), Pastor Honok Rasaily (Dallas), Elder Dal Mogar (Missouri), Sport coordinator Elder Nanda Sunuwar (Dallas), and Youth pastor Madan Koirala (Florida).

The coordinator, Demas Kharel reported, “The successful ending of the 2nd Annual BNCA Interstate Soccer Tournament was successful to give a message that together we can make a difference”.


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