DSRKD’s yet another Noble Endeavor: Druk Karate Veterans Day Observed


Post Report: Sep 7, 2018, Guelph | Denzome Sampang
Druk Shito Ryu Karate Do is marching forward with back to back progressive work for the development of Bhutanese diaspora Karate. With that said, in token of DSRKD – good work, recently Druk Karate Veterans Day 2018 was held at the Guelph Community Center in Canada Sunday, September 2, 2018.

By looking who’s who list of VIP and dignitaries, it could be easily imagined that event was observed very importantly where hundreds of competitors and participants from different states of USA and Canada participated in marking the event as the grand success. Cam Guthrie, Guelph City Mayor was the Chief Guest, Sensei Raney Rai (Chief Instructor) & Sensei Hemant Ghising (President) were in the list of special guests from Bhutanese diaspora. In general, DASK Officials, veteran karatekas, junior karatekas, parents, Bhutanese community leaders & members, business leaders and grandparents were also there to attend the program. The following are the Participating Dojo/City:

  1. Stone Mountain (Georgia)
  2. Akron (Ohio)
  3. Guelph (Guelph) Canada
  4. Westfield (Massachusetts)
  5. Burlington (Vermont)
  6. Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania)
  7. Columbus (Ohio)
  8. Lethbridge (Alberta) Canada
  9. Fargo (North Dakota)

Results of Kata Competition:

Name of Dojo/City Gold Silver Bronze Total Veterans
AKRON (US) 5 6 7 18 4
GUELPH (CA) 4 4 5 13 1
WESTFIELD (US) 1 2 2 5 2
VERMONT (US) 1 1 1
COLUMBUS (US) 1 2 3 3
              TOTAL         15

Well, Karate Veterans Honoring, Grading Test, Kata competition were some of the attraction fo the event. Karate Referee Seminar conducted by Sensei Hemant Ghising and Sensei Maya Lepcha is yet another milestone in the DSRKD history. Overall the program was organized under the leadership of Sensei Dumpa Thapa, Guelph Dojo Instructor and Guelph Bhutanese Community

The president of (Druk American Shito Ryu Karate Do) DASRKD Hemant Ghising told us that the event was organized to bring Bhutanese diaspora Karate to the next level and motivate the youths towards sports. His leadership is highly appreciated so as to bring the right vision of the future of martial art in Bhutanese diaspora. In our telephone conversation, as the recent future plan, he added that DSRKD officials are planning to visit Japan to learn, and to built relation for exploring the Bhutanese diaspora Karate.

Anyone could have done if all the good works come cheaply. It needs consistency, dedication, the good leader and teamwork. To be able to channelized and systemized Diaspora Bhutanese Karate with great achievement and progress in this short span of time is in fact, a noble endeavor of DSRKD. 


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