Fourth edition of the “GICC” concludes in NZ

Participants identified the critical importance of program


The fourth edition of the “Grand International Creative Ceremony” was concluded in Palmerston North, New Zealand on 23rd Dec. Monday. Hundreds of delegates from across New Zealand, and from many other countries like USA, Australia, India, Nepal joined the three-day ceremony.

Programs were held in two different locations with different many sessions. Cultural show, literary discourse, book release, book exhibition, and vision sharing from the distinguished research scholars were some of the highlights of this fourth edition Grand International Creative Ceremony.

Palmerston North, City Council, New Zealand Mayor Grant Smith, and Manawatu District Council Mayor Helen Worboys and Nepal Academy Chancellor Ganga Prasad Uprety were the keynote speaker in the inaugural session of the first day of the program.

First day sessions were more of idea, debate and discourse. In first session, after the official release of Book by Gopal Poudyel, the collection of memoirs – “Katha Bhitrako Katha”, discourse in “Nepali Literary Writing, Arts and Culture in Globalization” was accompanied. Prof. Prabhat Dixit from USA and Senior writer Gyan Bahadur Kshetri from Assam India were the main speaker on the topic. First day, second session’s attraction was the discussion and view presentation on “Resettled Bhutanese Diaspora and search of identity.” Dr. Ragu Nath Nepal, C.P. Dahal and Prakash Dhamala took the dais for the topic.

Continuing with the Creative Ceremony tradition, this edition was more unique with rich mix of sessions with writers from different language, diverse cultural presentations. Third session of the first day was all about cultural show. Samrit Rai and Arpan Rai were initiators to run and manage the third session event.

One of the most remarkable session of the second day was sharing views and experience by Nepal Academy Chancellor Ganga Prasad Uprety and President of Upanyas Samaj Nepal Shankar prasad Bharati (Novelist) about “Art of Writing.”

Besides this, exhibition of short movies, books, photography, paintings and felicitation was yet another beauty of the program. Distinguished research scholars, volunteers/social workers, organizations and Nepali art and literature contributors from young generation were felicitated. From the young generation, Durga Rimal, Prakash Dhamala, R B Khadka, Saurav Timsina, Susan Majhi and Maya Bhattarai were awarded with the trophy and appreciation certificate for their contribution to promote and preserve Nepali language, literature, arts and culture. Similarly, the legendary singer, musician and social worker Pratab Subba was honored for his dedication, contribution towards art and music and for his social service. Sarina Manandhar was honored for teaching Nepali Language voluntarily to the kids in Palmerston North, New Zealand. Prabhat Dixit, Ganga Prasad Uprety and Gyan Badahur Kshetri were honored as distinguished guest and research scholars.

  1. The School of Bhutanese Nepali Language and Culture, Australia,
  2. Literature Council of Bhutan and
  3. Matribhasa Samrakshan Samuha, United States of America, were also been honored for their continuous effort in promoting and preserving the Nepali language and literature.

On top of this, organization did felicitate the supporting and host organizers; Bhutanese Society of Palmerston North NZ, Palmerston North City Council and Manawatu District Council for helping to make the event grand success.

Apart from these felicitation, Ramesh Gautam from Norway was awarded with “Dinesh Chamling Smriti International Yuwa Pratibha Puraskar.” Ramesh Gautam is known for his work in promoting Nepali literature. This award is named after Bhutanese American writer late Dinesh Chamling. He was the founding and central member of GBLO.

To name some, President of Bhutanese Society of Palmerston N. NZ – Bal Ghimire, President of Bhutanese Community in Nebraska – Bhim Gurung, Indira Bhandari, Bidur Poudel, Chitra Sapkota, Chhatra Dangal, Prakash Dhamala, Gopal Poudyel and others were actively involved to make this event success. Program was organized by Global Bhutanese Literary Organization in association with Bhutanese Society of New Zealand and GBLO New Zealand Chapter and in support of Palmerston North, City Council, New Zealand, Manawatu District Council NZ and Global Federation for Nepali Literature.

“Along with global Nepali, this ceremony has provided an opportunity to all art, culture and literature lovers to share their vision by addressing the needs of language, and building international relation in terms of art, culture and literature.” said Gyan Bahadur kshetri, award winning senior writer for Assam India.

Gracing the event as chief guest, Nepal Academy Chancellor Mr. Ganga Prasad Uprety, said that program was a huge success and indeed this program has played a vital role in globalizing the Nepali Art, culture and literature.

The Ceremony participants identified the critical importance of such programs and this kind of program could be good benchmark to come together and work collaboratively on areas of shared concern.

Thanksgiving video from the organizer:


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