Bhutanese Immigrant, mysteriously shot dead


Post Report: Aug 10, 2017 | Denzome Sampang
Police in Houston are investigating the shooting death of an 18-year old Bhim Dulal on Aug. 6th Sunday. He was found dead in the apartment near to 290 highway 15 miles away from his residence Tomball, Houston Texas.

[pullquote]The police identified that he was born in Sep. 3rd, 1998 in Goldhap Jhapa, Bhutanese Refugee camp back in Nepal. D.B. Kulung, former president of Organization of Bhutanese Communities in America and president of Bhutanese American Association

of Houston who was returning from funeral said, “the family is so desperate to miss the one and only son who was all set to go college from next week. He as honest, intelligent, cooperative and pretty boy. I am so saddened by his untimely demise”.[/pullquote]

The victim used to go Fitness center for regular exercise from 6:00 P.M to 9:00 P.M. So, following the regular routine he was been to center on Saturday too along with his African origin friend and was in contact with family till 9 P.M. Sunday 2:00 P.M police confirmed his death and the one who accompanied him on the day.

The police identified that he was born in Sep. 3rd, 1998 in Goldhap Jhapa, Bhutanese Refugee camp back in Nepal. D.B. Kulung, former president of Organization of Bhutanese Communities in America and president of Bhutanese American Association of Houston who was returning from funeral said, “the family is so desperate to miss the one and only son who was all set to go college from next week. He as honest, intelligent, cooperative and pretty boy. I am so saddened by his untimely demise”.  His funeral ceremony was held today around 1:30 P.M to 4:30 P.M.

Kumari lama, American Bhutanese senior citizen said, “Gun do not kill the people. It’s the people who kill people. So, preventive majors can be applied to remain safe. American Bhutanese are new to western life style. Community base organization can bring awareness programs to let the youths tackle with such situations”.

His death seems to be kidnapped and killed.  From Dulal’s supporters, well-wishers and relatives, it is known that he was family oriented and never known to be troublemaker. So, it is big question why he was targeted. Who can answer the grieving family why life is becoming so cheap to be killed when every live matter.


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