ATM and Bank account to Bhutanese Refugees

Post Report: Damak, Jhapa Nepal, Jul. 17 2017

Now, soon Bhutanese Refugees are going to have the bank account and facility of using ATM card. UNHCR is preparing to issue an ATM card to the resident of two different camps through Nepal Investment Bank.

With regard to this, Today UNHCR has conducted a day training to explain procedures and system. NIB’s representative was also presented to introduce their bank and system how they are working to handle this project. There were 26 trainees from two different Refugee camps. After having this training, they will help to fill forms for opening bank account and ATM. It is said that with effect from July 21 to 25 2017, they will complete all the form fill-up in Beldangi Refugee camp, one, two and three in three different camp. On July 26, they will carry this form filling process to Pathari Morang, Sanchare camp.

Our Bhutanese Refugee representative Hangrim Dukhun David gather this information from the reliable source. However, concern to this matter for more credibility of our news, we made an effort to see if there are any official materials like press release from the concern authorities but we land with no luck.

It is quite strange and absurd to hear that in the midst of 21st century Bhutanese Refugees in Nepal are not given right to open bank account. Reason behind is only because they are identity-less. They don’t have identity like citizenship to run account in their name. However, in later days it is found that some few learned people have open the account by showing Refugee Identity Card provided by UNHCR.


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