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OBCA 5th National Convention in Fort Worth, Texas concluded with selecting new BOD.

6/14/15(Fort Worth, Texas): The fifth national convention of Organization of Bhutanese Communities in America (OBCA) concluded in Fort Worth, Dallas, Texas on 14 June 2015 by forming the new Executive Committee headed by Mr. DB Rai for next two years. The representatives from 15 different states from USA participated in the convention that started from 12 June 2015.

Mr. Craig Sanders, UNHCR Representative in Nepal, Mr. Deep Raj Uprety, Senior External Relations Associate, UNHCR Sub-Office Damak and Dr. Shaligram Bhattarai, Program Coordinator from TPO Nepal also participated in the convention.

Mr. DB Rai, the new chairman of the OBCA said, “The OBCA will work continuously in betterment of the Bhutanese communities in USA creating the network, identifying the resources for the refugees by partnering with the local organizations.”

Mr. Rai further emphasized that OBCA is ready to work together with other Bhutanese organizations inUSA.

Giving an update on the current situation of the refugee camps in Nepal UNHCR Nepal Representatives, Mr. Sanders said, “More than 96 thousand of refugees have already started their new lives in eight different resettlement countries, with majority of 82 thousand refugees in USA.”

UNHCR is expecting that the resettlement process is coming to an end by mid-2017 and around 12 to 13 thousand refugees will remain in the camps waiting for other durable solutions.“These remaining populations will be more vulnerable. The UNHCR is looking forward to opt a unique way to provide the humanitarian assistance to these population in the camps”, said Mr. Sanders, “Time has now come to work together with the resettled refugees to give solidarity and establish the support Mechanisms to the remaining population in the camps as the UNHCR is globally facing financial Constraints.”

Mr. Sanders appreciated the efforts and the solidarity that has existed among the Bhutanese communities in USA. Mr. DB Rai handed over the appreciation letter for UNHCR for supporting the Bhutanese refugees for more than two decades and providing the third country resettlement opportunity for over 96 thousand refugees.

The delegates from the different states updated the different activities conducted in different states in two years after the fourth convention conducted in 2013 at Colorado. The various artists from different states performed numerous cultural activities, dance, song, poetry recitation in the program. Mr. PK Subedi shared the status of the mental and psycho-social health activities for the resettled refugees in America.

UNHCR also screened the video messages from remaining refugee in the camps along with the photos of the camps. The OBCA also presented the success stories of the resettled refugees in the USA and later DJ Khaling, former Chairperson of the Organization handed over the copy of the video to UNHCR Representative Mr. Sanders. The convention concluded with the screening of the movie, “Suruwat”, produced by OBCA. The movie was about the stories of the resettled refugees in the US from the camps life to the new life in US.

The newly formed executive committees are Mr.DB Rai – Chiarperson, Mr.Dillip Dahal – Vice-chairperson, Mr. Padam Bharati – Secretary, Mr.Aita Rai – Treasurer, Mr. Karna Gurung – Press & publicity, Mr. Deepak Gajmeer – Cultural Secretary, Mr. Jitu Basnet – sports & youths under the observation of election commissioner Mr. Pk Subedi and Mr. BM Khaling. The other officer bearers will be filled by the first meeting of the executive committee.

The convention was hosted by Bhutanese Legacy Youth Club (BLYC) with the voluntary helping organizations such as Beginners Community Support Groups (BCSC), Bhutanese American Sport Council (BASC), Bhutanese American Association of Houston (BAAH) Bhutanese Community of Abilene (BCA), Global Bhutanese Literary Organization (GBLO), and Bhutanese Creative Connection (BCC).

OBCA was formed in Georgia, Atlanta in 2010 with the motive of supporting and settling the new arriving Bhutanese refugee in US. The OBCA aims to help integrate and mainstreaming the communities faster in the larger American Society.

For further information please contact to:

Mr. Karna Gurung,

Press & Publicity

Contact info: 402-452-8804


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