Bhutanese American Magar Community


Post Report: Sep 5, 2017, | Denzome Sampang
The United States of America began resettling Bhutanese Refugees in 2007 in coordination with UNHCR, International Organization of Migration and Nepal government. Since then more than 100,000 Bhutanese refugees resettled in USA and they are growing well with their new home in this new world.

It is said that ethnic cleansing is the main reason behind to evict Lhotshampa(Bhutan Southern belt Bhutanese citizen) from the country. Well, in United States, they got freedom to observe their culture and traditions. So, we can see diverse Bhutanese Community is now more organized, happier and delightful under their respective racial/clannish organization promoting and preserving their native language, culture and traditions in this advance and systematic country USA.

With this regard, this report summarizes little about Bhutanese American Magar Association. Basically, Magar known for their bravery, discipline, honest and for their credibility, is the tribe with its own ancient rich culture. After resettling in United States, they organized themselves under an umbrella organization called “Bhutanese American Magar Association” and their first national convention held in 2015, 25th July electing Tal Man Thapa Magar as president, Sarman Samal – Vice President, Badal Samal -General Secretary and Dhiraj lungeli – treasurer.

Since then, it has established many state level Magar chapter organization under its banner. To name some, Georgia, Ohio, North Carolina, Utah, Missouri, New York, North Dakota are some the states where they have their branches.

Very recently, on Aug. 27th, North Dakota Chapter (Magar Society of North) had an election and formed elected committee as:
President: Thal Magar
V. President: Moni Kr Magar
G. Secretary: Chali Magar
Secretary: Chandra Pithakote Magar
Treasurer: Kul Maya Magar
Treasurer: Chandra Rana Magar
Speaker/Press: Raj Magar
Executive Members: Khadka Magar, Dal Magar, Bhima Magar During. Society of North Dakota Election committee was comprises of Raj Magar, Santa Magar, Khadka Rana Magar, Damber Rana Magar, and Makar Kalikote Magar. Along with the election, they also honored Manita Sizali Magar, winner of Mero Dance Cup USA season II and and musical band member Madan Rana, Arjun Rana and Buddhi Raj Magar presented a musical performance on the Day. Raj Magar, the speaker of the society said- “the philosophy of our North Dakota Magar Society is just to create a society which can foster the human dignity and well-being.”

It is seen that BAMA is actively engaged in social activities intending to proceed the community from good to better. Soon they are going to have their 2nd National convention on Sept 16th in Saint Louis Missouri with an agenda and objectives to promote ,develop cultural heritage through education and social activities. This concludes that Bhutanese American Magar are marching forward in this advanced country building their real identity.



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