The Bhutanese American Sports Council (BASC) has released a Press Release announcing the BASC 10th National Tournament to be hosted in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, by Bhutanese Nepalese Youth of Sioux Falls (BNYSF) on July 3rd – 5th, 2020.
The complete copy of the BASC Press Release is as follows:
Bhutanese American Sports Council (BASC)
Center Office: Fort Worth Texas USA |
November 8, 2019.
Press Release
Re: BASC 10th National Tournament is Going to be Hosted in Sioux Falls, SD.
Dear friends, brothers and sisters:
Warm greetings, Namaste!
We are proud to announce that the Bhutanese American Sports Council (BASC) is growing huge, and it will be observing its 10th year in 2020. The BASC 10th National Tournament is going to be held in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, on July 3rd – 5th, 2020, with the celebration of BASC 10th Anniversary and the US Independence Day.
Our huge congratulations to the host state team, Bhutanese Nepalese Youth of Sioux Falls (BNYSF) from South Dakota, for being selected as the host of the BASC 10th National Tournament 2020. There were almost six states from where the Bhutanese communities have shown their interest in hosting this Bhutanese American national event in 2020. Among those interested states, the applicant from South Dakota was successful in fulfilling the requirements and guidelines for the application of hosting the BASC 10th National Tournament.
For more information about the BASC 10th National Tournament, you can contact to the BASC Coordinator, Mahendra Rai at, or contact the state host at: Lalit Gurung, President of Bhutanese Nepalese Youth of Sioux Falls (BNYSF), South Dakota; Phone: 605) 370-3301; email:
Best of luck to the host state and all the participating teams and players, and communities. We request you and all community members, supporters, businesses, donors/sponsors, well-wishers, and dear friends to extend your helping hands and make this event a big success in the history of Bhutanese American Sports.
Thank you.
Santa Lama
Bhutanese American Sports Council (BASC)
(817) 888-6521 |
The end“