GBLO Convention concludes, Dr. Lama appointed as Goodwill Ambassador.


On Dec. 26 2015, Gglobalpostinfolobal Bhutanese Literary Organization has concluded its third convention in Georgia, USA following discussion on Bhutanese literary issue, writing Nepali syllabus and appointing Dr. Kabita Lama as GBLO Goodwill Ambassador 2016.

Dr. Kabita Lama as GBLO Goodwill Ambassador 2016. She is Head & Associate Professor, Dept. Of Nepali, Sikkim University


The day long convention was jointly organized by GBLO and BCAG(Bhutanese Community in Association, Georgia) under the chairmanship of BCAG president Birkha Guragain where Manikala Basnet was the chief guest. It was conducted in different three phases in two different locations. In first phase, anthology of Gajal “PUNARBAS” Book by Lucky Rashi was release. Young Bhutanese writer A.K Rana Sampang kept the remark about the book.

International Guest Senior GBLO Advisor
Personal Details:- Name- : Surendra Limbu ‘Paradeshi’ Date of birth : 2031.08.21 (B.S.) Birth of Place : Phabing, Sankhuwa-Sabha, Nepal Father’s name : Late, Bhim Bahadur Limbu Mother’s name : Desh Maya limbu Sex : Male Marital status : Married Nationality : Nepali Language : Nepali, English,Hindi and Limbu Contact No : Now( 0091-9559696477) First Published Creation:- Kshitijma Chihaune Nagara (Poem, 2052 B.S.) Publications:- # Adhuro Jivan A Ssocial Novel- 2061 B.S. # Paradeshiko Chunoutee A Collection of Social Stories- 2069 B.S. # Approx 140 Articles Published in Various National/International Publications. Edited :- 1. Sunaulo Pravat, Half Yearly Literary Magazine 2056-2059 (B.S.) 2. Tangshing, Quarterly Limboo Cultural Magazine 2054-2059 (B.S.) 3. Astayeko Joon, A Collection of Story Book 2064 (B.S.) 4. Paradeshi Bimbaharu…, Yearly Magazine Since 2065 to till Date. Acting:- 5. Aparadhi ko ho? (Nepali Film) 6. Timrai Lagee (Nepali Film) 7. Bashanta Kritu (Nepali Film) Affiliations:- 1. Chairperson International Paradeshi Literary Group 2. World Vice-Chairman Global federation for Nepali Literature 3. Executive Editor Paradeshi Bimbaharu…Yearly Magazine Since 2007 to till now 4. Life Member Devkota Sangh, Siliguri, India 5. Member Emetnasung Yearly, Sikkim, India 6. Chief Advisor Stand Sramik Samuh Dharan, Nepal 7. Ex-Central committee Member Yakthung Kalakar Sangh, Nepal 8. Ex-President Student Union Janta Multiple Campus

The organization honored prominent Nepali poet Viplob Pratik selecting him as the “International Guest Senior GBLO Advisor.” Besides him, litterateur Surendra Pradeshi was dignified with “International Coordination and Nepali Literature Up growth executant” honor recognizing his contribution in promoting Nepali literature worldwide and playing an important role exposing Bhutanese literature in mainstream.
Responding to our query, Press and Publicity Secretary Karna Gurung told –“The main agenda of our convention was to discuss on present situation of our Bhutanese literature and to come with the steps in building stronger relation with international communities for promoting our art and literature.” Further he added, “At present we have four GBLO chapters within United States, we have chapter in New Zealand and representative from round the globe. We are convinced that this convention will help us furthering our boundaries in releasing our aims and objectives.”

During the program, member from the respective chapters were also awarded with the CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION as the “BEST MEMBER OF THE YEAR”. Bidur Poudel from New Zealand chapter, Chatra Dangal representative from Australia, Dawa Biswas representative from Canada, Liladhar Adhikari(Patalo Antare) from Texas USA, Diyalo Susan from Austin USA, Sourav Timisina from Ohio USA, Lucky Rashi from Kentucky USA, Karna Gurung from Nebraska USA were recognized as the “BEST MEMBER OF THE YEAR”.

Newly elected GBLO board member Harka Chamling told us –“One of our motto is to help young generation in motivating towards Nepali literature so as to preserve and promote our culture, art and identity. I believe this program will definitely let us achieve so.”

“GBLO Sambad(संवाद)” discussion and interaction event with the community personalities was held in second round of the convention. Few to name, Binod Poudel, Bhim Timsina, Leela Nisha, Pashupati Timsina, Amber, Jidan Rai, Sarman Samal, Dambar Kharel, Manoj Rai, Manikamal Dhimal(Khalti Pidit), Manikala Basnet, Narad Pokrel, D.B. Kulung, Sukman Subba, Jitu Basnet, Ram Gurung, Birkha Guragain, Kiran Subba, Arjun Khapangi, Deepak Giri, Raj Baral, Arjun Rasaili, Purna Narjale, Acharya Narad Sudhama, Dharmandra Timsina, Sanju Giri, Mamta Moktan, Ran Khadka, Netra Acharya, Yadunath Adhikari, were present. It was hosted by GBLO President Denzome Sampang. Discussion and interaction was made based on Bhutanese community issue. Discussion was mainly focused on how to develop and implement Nepali syllabus for Bhutanese Community in different resettled countries. During the discussion they also try to settle the dispute projected with the literary concern.

The convention was concluded with “LITERARY NIGHT” the third round of event. It was the heart and the attraction of the convention. Literary figure round from the states recited their creation. There was the presentation of music and songs. Organization releases their literary E-publication called “CREATOR REVIEW.” They show the commitment of unity, they share the warmth of love for the entire hospitality. In mid night with the grand dinner convention was formalprogaly over.

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