Grand Conference of Human Religion in June 20 & 21, 2015


Global Post, Fort Worth TX; June 1, 2015. Manav's program

The Universal Manav Dharma of USA is organizing a Grand Humanitarian Spiritual Conference, the ‘Bishal Sadbhawana Sammelan’ on June 20th and 21st of this year in Fort Worth, TX. This Spiritual discourse is first time hosted by Bhutanese communities in the initial coordination of the ‘Universal Manav Dharma of Texas under the national board of the Universal Manav Dharma, in which the Founding Guru – the Founder of Manav Dharma (Human Religion), he himself will be addressing the grand spiritual ceremony.
While talking about the readiness of the grand event, the Vice President of Universal Manav Dharma USA and the conference’s Chief Coordinator, Tara Sinchuri said, “The preparation for the grand spiritual event has been almost completed, and we are vigorously waiting for the date to host it.” According to Krishna Sinchuri – the Secretary of the Universal Manav Dharma USA, the preparation for the grand humanitarian spiritual event is of high level and extravagant. The Universal Manav Dharma USA is nationwide organization and they have urged their members and followers to contribute for the grand event from their national level. Therefore, there is no doubt that the event will be grand and definitely extravagant.
It has been estimated that more than three thousands spiritual followers will be attending the grand spiritual event to witness, listen and understand the spirituality and learn the correct way of practicing it. The worthy and holy spiritual discourse will be directly given by the God’s living messenger, the path director ‘Guru’, Shree Satpal ji Maharaj and Shree Amrita Mata ji. The president of the Universal Manav Dharma Texas, Rajan Biswa said, “About six dozen volunteers force will be providing their voluntary services for the entire program in the coordination of host committee Volunteer In-Charge, Mr. Dhan Man Dutraj”. Manav
Madan Sinchuri, Aman Sinchuri and Nandu Dutraj are the Press and Publication Coordinators. Mon Luhar is In-Charge of Transportation management, whereas Bhim Dahal is In-Charge for lodging management. S. B. Khapangi – the secretary of Universal Manav Dharma Texas is responsible for stage decoration and material management. B. B. Sinchuri is taking care of financial matters whereas Sudip Gurung and Tek Dudhraj are taking care of sound system for the grand spiritual conference. Here’s the list of central committee of the Universal Manav Dharma USA: Ram Gurung – President, Tara Sinchuri – Vice President, Krishna Sinchuri – Secretary, Om Shankhar – Vice Secretary, N. B. Gurung – Treasurer, Jayanarayan Dahal – Vice Treasurer, Birkha Gurung – Musician Chief, Raju Rasiley – Vice Musician, Manoj K. Rai – Volunteer (Sewadal) Coordination Chief, and Dilli Gurung – Vice Volunteer Coordinator.
According to the organizing committee, nobody will be charged to attend the grand spiritual event; it is free admission. The volunteers providing their voluntary services will receive brief training and instructions on June 19th of 2015. It is said that this grand spiritual event will be biggest first spiritual event organized by Bhutanese community resettled in the United States in the initiation of Universal Manav Dharma Texas.

Reported by – A. K. Rana Sampang ‘Ekalabya’


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